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Interfaces - Need to know:

What is an Interface? An Interface is like a class in that it can have methods and variables. However, methods declared in an Interface are abstract by default, meaning they only contain the method signature, not the method body. Facts about Interfaces: Interfaces specify what the class must do and not how the class must do it. They are considered as the class blueprint. If a class implements an interface, the class must provide all the method bodies for the interface's functions. Otherwise, the class must be declared abstract. They are used to achieve total abstraction. An Interface can extend one or many Interfaces. A class can extend many Interfaces, but only one class. Nested Interfaces is when an Interface is declared inside another interface. It is also used to achieve loose coupling. Interfaces are used to implement abstraction.  Difference between Abstract Class and Interface: Differences between an Abstract class and an Interface include: An interface can have strictly abs...
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Concurrent Collection Classes:

Concurrent Collection Classes: Java utility classes are generally useful when used with concurrent programming. This package includes a few small standardized extensible frameworks and some classes that provide proper functionality that is otherwise very difficult to implement. Concurrent Collections: This package supplies Collection implementations mainly used in multithreaded processes.  A concurrent collection is always  thread-safe , and a single exclusion lock does not govern it. Here are some of the classes below: ConcurrentSkipListMap:  Usually preferable to a synchronized TreeMap CopyOnWriteArraySet:  Well suited for applications where set sizes generally stay small and read-only operations vastly outnumber mutative operations(add, set, remove, etc.). ConcurrentSkipListSet:   This is essentially an equivalent of TreeMap and TreeSet for concurrent code. CopyOnWriteArrayList:  It’s preferable over synchronized ArrayList, where an expected number of re...

Executer vs ExecuterSevice: What's the Difference?

Executer and ExcuterService: Executor and ExecutorService are part of Java's Executor framework, which provides  thread pool  facilities to Java applications. Since creating and managing Threads are expensive, It's a better idea to create a thread pool that can execute in parallel rather than every time a new thread is requested, helping reduce the load. This improves the response time of the application. Differences between Executer and ExecuterService: One of the key differences between the Executor and ExecutorService interface is that the former is a parent interface while ExecutorService extends Executor.  A second significant difference between ExecutorService and Executor is that Executor defines an execute() method, which accepts the Runnable interface object. Simultaneously, a submit() method takes both Runnable and Callable object interfaces. Another difference between Executor and ExecutorService interface is that the execute() methods' return type is void, wh...

Atomic operation and classes in the Java Concurrency API:

Atomic Operation and Class: An operation is classified as atomic if it is performed as a single unit of work without the possibility of interference from other processes. In the Java language specification, they guarantee that the reading or writing operation is atomic (unless the variable is a long or a double). Variables of type long or double in operations are only atomic if declared with the keyword: volatile. Suppose we assume that  i  is defined as an int. The  i++  (increment) operation is not an atomic operation in Java. This also applies to the other numeric types, e.g. long.  This is because the  i++  operation first reads the value currently stored in  i , and then it adds one to it. However, between the read and the write, the value of  i  might have changed. Since Java 1.5, the java language provides an atomic class with variables such as AtomicInteger or AtomicLong. The class also provides methods like getAndDecrement(), ge...

What happens if we don't override the run() method:

Consequences of not overriding the run() method: If we don’t override the run() method, the compiler will not flash any error, and it will execute the run() method of the Thread class that has been emptily implemented, So, there will be no output for this Thread. Below is an example of the method returning no output: public class Example extends Thread { public static void main(String[] args) { Thread thread = new Thread( new Example()); thread.start(); // will create a new thread and call thread class's run() method which has no implementation. } }

What is Deadlock, Livelock and Starvation?

Deadlock, Livelock and Starvation: Deadlock: Deadlock   is where a set of processes are blocked because each process is holding a resource and waiting for another resource that is doing the same thing.  An example of this is when two trains are coming toward each other on the same track. Neither of the trains can move once they are in front of each other (assuming there are no connecting tracks).  Livelock: Livelock  occurs when two or more processes continue to repeat in response to changes in other processes without achieving any productive outcome. These processes do not get placed in the waiting state but continue to run without any productive outcome. This differs from a deadlock because, in a deadlock, all processes are put in the waiting state. Starvation: Starvation is a problem that is closely related to both Livelock and Deadlock. This can occur as a policy is used to determine who gets access to the resource when it can lead to some processes never getting...

Creating and Running a Java Thread:

Ways to create a Thread: You can create a Thread in two ways: By extending the Thread class. By implementing a Runnable Interface. Thread class: The Thread class provides constructors and methods to create and perform operations on a thread. Runnable Interface: Runnable Interfaces have only one method,  named run() . The Runnable Interface should be performed by classes where their instances plan to be executed by a thread.  public void run() : is used to perform the action for a Thread. Starting a thread: The  start() method  of a Thread class is used to start a newly created thread. It performs the following tasks: A new thread starts(with their stack). The Thread moves to the Runnable state from New state. The  run() method  will run when the Thread gets a chance. Java Thread Example by extending Thread class: class  Multi  extends  Thread{   public   void  run(){   System.out.println( "Extended Thread Class E...